Saturday, January 4, 2014

A New Perspective for the New Year

Let's face it, every year towards the end of the month of December, we get that piece of paper out and start jotting down our resolutions for the upcoming year. We look back on all the things we didn't accomplish in the previous year, reflect on our mistakes and swear not to make them again, and think about all the ways we can change ourselves in the new year. We obsess over "getting it right" in the new year, like we have some set idea of what that actually is. We swear to change this, this and this about our personality, image, friends, behavior, love life, and so on and so on in the hopes of fulfilling the statement that "This is my year!" And it very well could be your year, but why do we think that change is the greatest way in achieving that? Don't get me wrong, I completely understanding wanting to better yourself and in doing so making some changes in your life, but why focus so much on the change itself? Focusing on the things we want to change about ourselves only points out the areas in our life where we think we fall short, where we think we don't quite hit the mark, and there's a lot of negativity behind that. The most empowering thing we can do as individuals is take a look at our life and find the qualities that we love about ourselves and work on improving those; by doing that, I believe the change in other areas of our life will come naturally. For example, instead of focusing on dieting and hitting the gym this year, focus on eating clean and doing activities that will improve your health. If you think you talk too much, don't focus on talking less, just listen more and take a second to think before you respond to someone. Focus on loving yourself before you focus on finding someone else to love. This year, focus on being happy with who you are and consciously try to find the positives in your every day life. Only then will this year actually be your year. So, with that being said, here are 10 things for me to keep in mind as I walk through each day of this year.

1. Focus on the positives. If this blog post gets 100 negative comments but 1 positive comment, I'm going to appreciate and enjoy that one comment all week and forget about the others.

2. Focus on the qualities I love about myself. If someone thinks my laugh is too loud and obnoxious, I'm just going to laugh louder...I love my laugh, it's a good reflection of my personality.

3. Be completely in the moment, wherever I am and whoever I'm with. I want to take in life on another level this year by giving other people my undivided attention when I'm with them and appreciating all that's around me.

4. Be healthier: mind, body, spirit, and soul. For me, this means including Jesus in my day more and having Him guide me in making healthy decisions all around.

5. Worry less by appreciating more. My hours at work may be getting cut a little more, but at least I have a job...I'm really thankful for that.

6. Be happy with where I'm at in life instead of envious of where other people are. They're not ahead of the game if they're engaged, have a career established or are traveling the world, they're just in a different stage of life.

7. Consider mistakes as a learning experience rather than a pile of regrets. Everything happens for a reason and mistakes allow room for us to grow.

8. Hug more. I'm not a handshake gal and let's face it, everyone could use more hugs.

9. Spend more time with family. Yes, sometimes they get on my nerves, but at the end of the day they're still family and family is everything.

10. Give the youth a chance. I don't care if it's a 6 year old or a 16 year old, but we can't overlook the generation behind us...give them the time of day and I'm sure you'll learn a thing or two.

I hope this post encourages you to be happy with who you are and where you are in life, and also motivates you to take the pressure off of yourself.  Just be you and be happy. Hope this year really is your best yet!

1 comment:

  1. Great post Amelia! I support you with this blog and with the resolutions/affirmations stated in this post 100%! If you need help let me know. Dont give up on this blog...I will always read it.
