Friday, January 23, 2015

Love to Learn

I started this semester with many hesitations. A couple weeks ago I wasn't even sure I was going to return to college. Mostly because I'm going to be 23 this year and I'm only a Junior. Most of my graduating class from high school will be graduating college this year - the majority of them around the age 21 or 22. I found myself playing the comparison game, yet again, and doubting my return to college because I thought I was "behind." But, with much convincing from my parents and dear friend Anthony, I obligingly returned to school to finish what I started - and I'm so glad that I did. 

This school year for me is unlike any I've had in the past. I have a clearer vision for my future, a new-found appreciation for learning, and an open-mindedness that has allowed me to really soak in all the information that has been presented to me thus far. And let me just say, it's been GOOD! Great even. I haven't felt this inspired or motivated in months, and I truly believe it's this atmosphere of learning. I took a break from learning last semester...not just from college, but from learning! I neglected to acknowledge that whether I'm in school or not, I should NEVER stop learning. The last five months of my life have felt so empty, but I didn't even realize how empty I felt until I immersed myself back into a culture of learning. 

I write this post as an encouragement to YOU. If you feel that you've lost your vision, inspiration, excitement, motivation, your zeal...DON'T FRET! If at this very moment there is breath in your lungs and a heart in your chest that has a beat then guess what: you still have purpose! You are living for a reason; and if your vision is blurred and you feel that you've lost your sense of purpose, then learn something! Anything! I guarantee it'll birth something in you that will inspire you and help you fulfill your purpose. 

If you're sitting there thinking "Ugh, but I don't want to go back to school." No worries! College isn't for everyone. But learning is. And there are a ton of things you can learn without having to set foot on a college campus. Here are just a few options:

  1. Learn to play an instrument
  2. Take a few dance classes
  3. Learn how to paint
  4. Teach yourself how to cook
  5. Learn the art of meditation
  6. Give surfing a go
  7. Buy a camera & learn the art of photography 
  8. Get a dictionary - learn a new word a day
  9. Learn a new language
  10. Explore your thoughts and get a journal - write things down
  11. Educate yourself on historical events and great leaders
  12. Learn how to play a sport
  13. Teach yourself how to use a pogo stick 
  14. Learn how to juggle
  15. Read about cultures across the world
Just learn SOMETHING! Most likely, you won't be gung ho about it right from the get go - trust me, it took a few days for me to get back in the swing of college life - but once you make learning a part of your routine, you'll see an overall transformation in your life. Allow yourself to be inspired and never give up on what you want!

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Live With Zeal

January 2015. Like clockwork, similar patterns present themselves before my very eyes. Change is upon us. Another couple gets engaged (yippee...but really, congrats though). Resolutions are thought up and followed through (for about a week or so). Plans are made (while God laughs). And people move on, move forward, take a step back, or re-evaluate. Processes are taking place.

I never realized how overwhelmed the new year makes me. Pressure comes creeping in from every side and I find myself making extravagant plans because I'm stuck in a rut of playing the comparison game. "I need to go here because this person went to that place last year and look who they met and look what they did and look at the opportunities that are now presented to them...God! How did I get so behind, gotta start planning..." AND, "Wow, they've been dating for four years and just got engaged and have such a great relationship, UGH GOD how long are you going to keep me in this singleness it's like a curse! I mean, I can help you out, I can download Tinder (mental note: stop downloading Tinder) But I mean, C'MON I needs me a MAN..." AND of course, "OMG that girl is so stylish, I have to burn all of my clothes and go shopping immediately and then only eat lettuce and work out 5 hours a day so I can fit into the new clothes I buy and maybe then I'll look as good as her...better make it 6 hours a day..."


I wish I could say I was kidding, that I never think those things and that I'm perfectly content with myself and my life...but I would be lying. I don't have it all together. No matter what my Facebook, Instagram, social life may look like...this chick is JUST as lost as YOU. Surprised? GOOD.

The comparison game just needs to stop. We're holding ourselves to a standard of perfection that we've placed upon someone else who is no more closer to it than we are. So, what do we do? Well, for starters I think we need to find our purpose. My main goal for this year is to know my purpose and to remind myself of it daily. For me, my purpose is to glorify God in my daily living and to be joyful with where He has me. Right now I would love to be finished with college and be backpacking through South America. Well, obviously that's not where He has me at all - I'm a full time student working part time at a hotel in a town where the only place you'll see a backpack is on campus. And that's OK!! My purpose right now is to glorify God everyday I'm in class and at work, and maybe someday down the road He'll open up a door where I can bring Him glory through a South American backpacking trip (prayers accepted). But in all seriousness, if you figure out your purpose, then nothing else can stand in the way of that and the joy it'll bring you.

One other thing I would suggest in helping you appreciate where you are is if you invest in others. We go through life with so many surface relationships, "Hey girl, how are you?" "Good! How are you?" "Good, thanks! Let's catch up soon!" "Okay, sounds good. See ya!" NO! Take time to invest in people. Find people who you would want to invest in you. Purposefully seek people who you can build a deep relationship with. Take the time to really know them, and give them the chance to know you too.

As I bring this post to an end, you may be sitting there thinking, "Why take pointers from you? You just told us that you don't have it all together, so what do you know?" To which I tip my hat and say "Touché," and let you go about your day. But really, just take it from someone who knows! I've done the comparison game, I've made the resolutions, planned the trips, flirted with the boys, gone on fad diets and for what?! To tell you that it's unfulfilling! You will continue to feel lost and like you're a step behind until you figure out your purpose (which personally I think is connected to God). But whether you believe in God or not, spend some time alone and figure out what you think your purpose is. And then just start to live it out! And in the midst of all of that, form connections with people. Real relationships that carry depth and encourage you to reach your purpose and potential. Live with zeal and have courage as you leave society's standards behind and walk in the purpose that is PERFECT for YOU.